Sunday, August 30, 2009


School song

"Never Give In" is our motto,
Strive till the set of sun,
and we learn its truth,
In the days of Youth,
On the long Hodson Run.

For though your heart seems bursting,
Up Sergeant Tilley's hill,
Though you may not win,
You'll yet come in,
If you "stick it" still.

It's a way we have in Sanawar,
The best school of all.
And we'll live in that motto's power,
Till the last bugle call.

Never Give In, Sanawar
Though the wickets swiftly fall.
And the light is bad and our hearts are sad
And it’s hard to see the ball.
Never Give In, Sanawar
It’s a cricket motto, too.
Somebody's got to “stop the rot”
And why not you.

It’s a way we have in Sanawar,
The best school of all.
And we’ll live in that motto's power,
Till the last bugle call.

Never Give In, Sanawar
With schooldays far away
When you're all alone and on your own
With life's stern game to play.
For still the old school motto
Till life's long journey close
Will guide us true, till the game is through
And for “time” the whistle blows.

It’s a way we have in Sanawar,
The best school of all.
And we’ll live in that motto's power,
Till the last bugle call.

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